Do you have “fire in your belly”?
The truth is we all do, and we all don’t. It just depends on when you ask.
Listening to motivational speakers can fire me up for maybe a day or two.
On the flip side, I have had many opportunities to motivate people and cannot say I’ve moved the needle very much.
Though nobody is always motivated, we really have to rely on ourselves to get back on track.
If you tend to rely on a spouse to get motivated than starting your own painting company probably doesn’t make sense.
You will need passion, determination, commitment, or resolve to build a valuable business. It would help if you were like an explorer, looking for new opportunities.
What level is your passion, determination, commitment, and resolve to start a painting company or franchise?
Score Yourself:
Personally, I seldom would have given myself a score above 50% for passion. I was rarely passionate about owning a painting business.
Instead, determination and commitment were wrapped around four different types of fear.
I had a fear of not having work. Fear my guys would think I’m lazy and work for someone else.
I wanted my guys to know that I worked harder and longer than they did for their benefit and mine.
Also, I had a fear of having unhappy customers. I never wanted to have a situation where I was out to eat with my family and across from us was an unhappy customer.
These fears helped keep me committed to quality work and determined to have an enjoyable dinner.
Was I passionate about painting homes? No