Starting A Painting Company In 2023

In Part I, we discussed the importance of having a strong reason for starting a painting company.  These reasons need to be strong enough to push you through frustrating times.  If you have not answered the question in part I,  please go back and do this very important homework.


Website, SEO, & Expecations

If you think I’m going to tell you to start a website,  start writing blogs, get a Tube channel, and spend a lot of time on backlinks, keywords, alt tags, and all that jazz, you are  90% wrong.  

It is impossible for you to organically be on page 1 of Google in less than two years unless you live in an area with few competitors.

It is safe to say your odds of being organically on page 1 of Google in less than two years unless you hire someone full-time.

Why is organic SEO ranking so $%#@ hard?  You are competing with people who likely spend between $5,000 a month and $200,000 a month for years to get their SEO ranking on the first page. 

Google recommends to consumers companies they know the best.  

The best advice I can give you is, don’t even try.  You would have to spend upwards of $150,000 to invest in SEO, and you would only get a handful of weekly leads.

person thinking about starting a painting business or buy a Klappenberger & Son Franchise in 2023

Does PPC Work For Starting A Painting Company In 2023

If you are unfamiliar with Pay Per Click (PPC), you have certainly seen it.

Google will put you at the top and/or the bottom of the first page for free!  You only pay Google if the prospect clicks the link to your website.  Depending on the keywords you select, the cost is usually around $8.00 – $18.00 when a customer clicks the link.  Now it is up to the website to turn the prospect into a customer.

Most consumers give Google reviews a lot of weight and consideration.  Having fewer reviews than your competition makes PPC difficult. 

My franchisees and I have personally invested over $100,000 in different PPC campaigns trying to turn prospects into leads, and a majority of times, they have failed.

I have hired several professional companies that are experts in PPC. 

Facts About Starting A Painting Company in 2023

You can Take This To The Bank

You will fail if you rely on outside sources to grow your business.


Not Angie

Home Advisor - Not even a little



If you invest $1,000's of dollars with them and get horrible results, what will they say.

You are not calling the customer fast enough, or we are tweaking your lead program and better results are expected shortly. 


There Is An Important Lesson Here

Important Lesson #1 

Don’t rely on 3rd parties to find work for you. That’s your job!

Every day when you wake up, say, “It is my job to find work today.”  Relying on a third party to find your customers goes against any story of success I know.   There are NO SHORTCUTS TO SUCCUSS SO STOP LOOKING FOR THEM.  

If you can believe and follow my last 135 words, you will likely save about $25,000 before you learn these lessons yourself.   Yes, twenty-five thousand.  

"What's The Best Way To Grow A Painting Company In 2023"

Frequently when we use the phrase “old school,” it implies hard work and not taking shortcuts.  In sales, it means bounding the pavement, and that’s precisely what I am suggesting.  If you are starting a painting company in 2023, chances are no one knows except a few close friends and family. 

Most people have a couple hundred thousand people within a 20-mile radius of where they live.  It’s time to start meeting some of them.  Am I suggesting knocking on doors?  No.  Lets’ go to networking events where there is a group of like-minded entrepreneurs.   It’s an easy and inexpensive way to build relationships.  I used this method in the 90s, and my franchisees still use it today.  

Building a business is about building relationships both inside and outside the company.   When you are at a networking event, listen to other people first before you start talking about your own business.  Make mental notes and follow back with some of the individuals you meet, and you will soon find that they are also networking for you.  

Would You Like More Info On Starting A Painting Company Company In 2023 Or Franchising?

You can contact me directly at

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David Klappenberger Author of Best franchise opportunities