Painting & Handyman franchisee with Klappenberger & Son

A Day in the Life of Klappenberger Franchisee, Kenny Lee

Question:  What does a typical day for you look like as a painting and handyman franchisee with Klappenberger & Son?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – A typical day for me includes issuing estimates for various jobs.  After I finish my estimates, I usually go to check on my crews that are working on various jobs.  Today I had various door jobs happening all at once.  I had a residential door being painted (including a clock job), and I also had a referral from a commercial property manager for three commercial doors to be installed, painted and have some trim repaired.

Question:  So it sounds like you’d like The Doors? Are you a Jim Morrison fan? 

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – No, it just happens to be that way.  I get a good mix of big jobs, as well as small jobs.

Question:  Are you making money as a Klappenberger & Son franchisee?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – I am now that the worst of the pandemic is over.  The first year was a huge learning experience, and was tougher.  I honestly didn’t know whether I was profitable in the beginning.  I was in the middle of training during my first year as a franchisee when the pandemic hit.  At that point, I really didn’t know if I was making money or throwing money away.  I think a franchise was the best option for me, though, because I wasn’t in it alone; there was someone providing a helping hand, and making sure I was doing things the right way.  In the case of Klappenberger & Son, I have someone that has 30 years of experience who knows how to do it the right way.  That person was coaching me through it.  I think that’s what made the franchise such a wise investment.

Question: How many hours do you work a week as a painting and handyman franchisee?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – I estimate I work five hours to six hours per day. However, then I come back home and I have to take care of the business aspect.  There’s also the business development aspect of it (including sales).  It’s hard to say exactly how many hours I work per day, as there are many aspects of my job.

Question:  Do you think you are working 60-70 hours per week?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – To be honest, I don’t keep track all that closely.  I’m constantly working because there are always opportunities.  For instance, Dave (Klappenberger) is always looking for business opportunities that he often shares with me over lunch.  He tells me of businesses that need various services, and recommends I go visit them.  Those sorts of opportunities occur regularly.

Question: How big is your crew?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – Right now, I have  two crews, both with four people.  It’s great!

Question: How long have you been a painting and handyman franchisee with Klappenberger & Son?

Painting & Handyman Franchisee Kenny Lee – Right now, I have a year under my belt, and I’m going on to my second year.  The hardest thing thus far are the things that are not in my control; for example, our human resources.  It can be difficult to find good people.  Finding good people is tough.

For Additional Information on Painting & Handyman Franchise Klappenberger & Son