Best Franchise For Veterans

With over 4,000 franchises to choose from, which one is the best franchise for veterans?

Because 300 new companies enter the world of franchising every year, and hundreds stop, it is impossible to keep track of them all.  But if I could write a recipe for the “Best Franchise For Veterans,” it would look exactly like Klappenberger & Son.

That is a bold statement, and I’d like to back it up. 

Currently, 40% of our franchisees are veterans.  The industry average is only 14%. 

The Handyman and painting industry grows by about 3% every year.

Both handyman and painting are recession-resistant industries.

Klappenberger & Son offers $7,000 discounts on franchise fees.

We have one of the lowest start-up costs of any franchise in our industry.

Our territories are 2-4 times larger than our leading competitors.  Making scalability and growth easier for you!

Kenny Lee is a great example why Klappenberger & Son is a best franchise for Veterans

Our franchisees love our system because it is based on checklists and best practices.  Someone with no previous experience can be trained to grow and operate their own business.

But first, let’s talk about your experiences and how they translate to our franchise.

Your Experiences & Our Processes Make Us A Best Franchise For Veterans

“Have you ever wanted to be your own boss?”

That is the first question I ask veterans when I attend Recruit Military events across the country.  The veterans who attend the events are looking for employment.  However, I believe a veteran-run franchise makes perfect sense.

Why?  Because discipline, willingness to follow a process, and leadership development are the necessary tools to be a successful franchisee.  So when I ask, “Have you ever wanted to be your own boss?” about 70% of attendees say, “Absolutely!  Doesn’t everyone?”

That answer is music to my ears!  I agree.  If you are going to work hard and sacrifice for someone, why not make that someone you?

Why Are We Considered The Best Franchise For Veterans?

                                                                            Here is what Navy Seal Officer Ron Dillman says about the training.

Applying Your Experiences To Creating Financial Freedom

Leadership is nothing more than influencing others.  As you know, the military invests many hours teaching and developing leaders who then go on to teach others. 

Why not take the leadership skills you have sharpened and apply it to franchise opportunities for veterans?

The military has systems and methods for every contingency that must be learned and followed.   


Similarly, proven processes and best practices are a big part of what you get with a Klappenberger & Son franchise.

The military has systems and methods for every contingency that must be learned and followed.   

Similarly, proven processes and best practices are a big part of what you get with a Klappenberger & Son franchise.

I describe our system like the franchisor is the car manufacturer, and the franchisee is the driver.


"Discipline is the bridge between goal and accomplishment."

Grow Your Business Faster & With Predicatible Profits

If you are leaving the military and looking to purchase a franchise, I’m guessing that you are older than your mid 20’s.  You are still in the prime of your life, but you certainly are not a kid anymore.  An advantage that franchising can offer is that you should be able to grow a business faster and better than starting alone.  After all, that is the entire point of franchising – having and following a proven system.

Reduced Franchise Fees Just For Veterans

Our low-cost franchise fee for veterans is far and away better than any other franchise in the painting and handyman industry.
Most businesses offer a ~5% franchise veteran discount.  We offer a 17% discount!

Klappenberger & Son Franchisee

We believe that we are missing out on some awesome veteran franchisees.

Many highly qualified veterans have the drive, but not the funds.  If reducing our franchise fee helps attract terrific candidates, then it is a win-win situation for all involved.

We understand how apprehensive it must feel going from the military to the private sector, and starting your own business. You can feel like a fish out of water.

Training, Support and with you every step!

Having the founder teach you the systems and processes to bolster your successful franchise is a real benefit. David Klappenberger built his business to be one of the largest in Maryland. His crews have worked at the Pentagon, Smithsonian, and White House. Having one-on-one training from someone who has done the work for decades is a true advantage.

A franchise does not buy you the ability to avoid problems and challenges but rather a road map to get through them.

Klappenberger & Son franchisees have six weeks of training, and the final two weeks are at the site of the franchisee’s location.  This is a tremendous advantage!


Six weeks of training will allow you the time needed to learn, review and absorb.  It allows us to develop a rhythm and flow of the processes from beginning to end.



In a few short weeks, we believe it is impossible to understand the painting and handyman industry.  Even six weeks is challenging. 

That is why we still will spend a tremendous amount of time with you reinforcing the training you received until it becomes habitual.

I honestly don’t know why other training programs are so short.  It seems short-sighted on the franchisors’ part. 

Inadequate training will undoubtedly lead to problems such as:

  • Losing money on jobs
  • Generating customer complaints
  • Getting a poor start
  • Creating a long learning curve
  • Hurting the relationship between franchisee and franchise

A common question I ask candidates is,

“ Could you teach me your current job in two weeks?”

With few exceptions, the answer is no.

The Best Franchise For Veterans Better Have A Big Territoory

Bar chart showing much more larger Klappenberger & Son territories are compared to other franchisors' territories.

Interestingly, most franchisors don’t spend any time talking about the size of the territories.  It just is what it is.  We feel a little differently.  We want our franchisee to be able to have a substantial size territory, and then develop it.


You don’t want to be competing for work with your fellow franchisees.  That is why our franchises are large enough to have 50 or more people working and grossing millions of dollars.  You have to put in the work and effort, but the territory can handle that kind of demand.

A Franchise Designed for Veterans

Klappenberger & Son is a recession-resistant painting and handyman franchise.  Forming the company in 1989, David Klappenberger launched
his first franchise in 2015.  We created our franchise with veterans in mind.  Accurate, time-tested procedures (30 years) and step-by-step
instructions are employed throughout all our processes.

Starting your own painting company will require a logo like this one of Klappenberger & Son

The Best Franchise For Veterans Comes With A Guarantee

Klappenberger & Son guarantee.

It requires a great leap of faith for any franchisee to invest their savings and grow a business.  Though none of our franchisees have closed or filed bankruptcy, we offer a guarantee to our franchisees.  Our guarantee is simple:  follow our marketing steps and if you fail to gross at least $500,000 in your first 20 months, we will refund your franchise fee in full.

Why Are We the Only Franchise With a Guarantee?

We have done this for 30 years and know the business inside and out.  We will train and continue to mentor you. If you are willing to follow our process and don’t achieve $500,000 in gross revenue, then our system has failed, and we will refund your franchise fee in full.

Klappenberger & Son Is The Best Franchise For Veterans

The experiences, discipline, and leadership that is acquired in the military makes franchises for veterans a natural fit.  If you have ever wanted to have your own business but preferred to follow a proven system instead of going it alone, then franchising might make the most sense.

This is a brief introduction to the Klappenberger & Son franchise and what we offer.  There is much more under the hood that we can share.  Buying a franchise is not a 60-minute information gathering process.  For those who buy a franchise, there are many steps to go through.  Contacting us is the next step.  After that, you will receive some additional information, videos and a courtesy call. 

If you are interested in a low-cost franchise, we have a franchise opportunity for veterans that might be for you.  The $27,000 discount is limited and will not last long. 

If you are not interested in our franchise opportunity for veterans, that’s okay.  I encourage you to keep searching for one that fits you.  Vetfran has an extensive library of low-cost franchises for veterans and how to get loans for vets as well.